What if I order the wrong size?

No problem at all!

We offer exchanges on all products within 30 days of receiving, whether in person or online. 

Exchange shipping costs to get the product back to Faythe In Needles are the customer’s responsibility.

What is your return policy?

We do not offer refunds, only exchanges. We also do not offer cancellations, once your order is placed we are already in the process of fulfilling your order. 

Abosolutely no refunds or cancellations. 

If you are unhappy with your product for any reason, sizing isn’t working, or piercing has closed, please reach out via email (faytheinneedles@gmail.com) to start your exchange process within 30 days of receiving.

Exchange shipping costs to get the product back to FVBJ are the customer’s responsibility.

What falls under your lifetime warranty?

All jewelry pieces have a lifetime warranty that covers all manufacturing errors, including but not limited to - gems falling out, pins breaking, threading coming loose, hinges on clickers not working, or any sort of “break”. 

Loss is NOT covered under the lifetime warranty.

Is your jewelry safe for sensitive skin?

Yes! Titanium and 14kt Gold are some of the most biocompatible materials out there. 14kt gold is a very high quality metal, non conductive and non magnetic. 

Titanium is a very hard metal that is also non conductive and non magnetic. Titanium is one of the most common metals used in surgeries for replacement joints/screws/dental implants/etc. These are also surgery and MRI safe! 

How do I know what size to order?

I will provide you with a very basic size chart but some people may vary, because everybody is different! If you want to really make sure, seeing a piercer in person to help give you gauge and length/diameter measurements will help you!



Lobes/Helix : 16g 5/16th flat back post

Tragus/Conch : 16g 5/16th flat back post

Nostril/Forward Helix: 18g 5/16th flat back post

Lip: 16g 5/16th flat back post


Rook/Brow: 16g 5/16th curved barbell with a fixed ball on the end

Navel: 14g 7/16th curved barbell


Nipple: 14g 9/16th barbell

Industrial: 1 3/8th barbell


Daith: 16g 3/8th Hoop/ curved barbell 

Septum : 16g 5/16 Hoop/ curved barbell 

Nostril : 18g 5/16th or 1/4th (super small)

Forward Helix: 18g 1/4th or 5/16th

Tragus: 16g 1/4th or 5/16th

Conch: 16g or 14g 7/16th 

Lobe/Helix: 18g or 16g, 5/16th or 1/4th (very small) 

Lip/Labret : 16g 5/16th or 3/8th 


Does your jewelry come with backings?

Yes! All of my gems/ends/tops come included with either a flat back post or barbell depending on the piercing you choose! See “How do I know what size to order” for size chart.


Do I NEED an insertion pin? How do I use it?

I HIGHLY recommend them for doing at home jewelry changes. They prevent trauma to the skin by eliminating the force it would take to insert a blunt object. It is tapered at the end with a dull point to help guide the jewelry through. Check out my videos on YouTube for a tutorial!


When is it safe to change my jewelry?

After an initial piercing, if you have quality jewelry in, you'll need to wait at least 4-6 weeks for most piercings. If your jewelry is low quality and you’re having issues with your piercing, I suggest changing ASAP! It is safe to do so as long as you’re changing to quality jewelry! 

What should I clean my jewelry with? 

Titanium/14kt Gold : Make a solution with mild soap and warm water and let it soak for 5 minutes, then gently wipe with a gentle cloth. 

Do you sell 20g jewelry? 

No, I do not! 20g jewelry is very thin, and can cause tearing and abrasions in the piercing channel, especially hoops!

If you are currently at 20g and would like to size up to the proper gauge, I suggest purchasing an 18g insertion pin to help you. It is tapered at a 20g at the tip and will safely help you size up to the proper gauge. Sizing up to an 18g will not only benefit the tissue but will also open up your jewelry options immensely!  

How do I treat an irritation bump?

Irritation bumps can only be treated by proper aftercare, proper jewelry and proper piercing technique. 

First you must figure out why your piercing is mad and you can do so by process of elimination. 

  1. What are you cleaning it with? If you are using anything BESIDES STERILE SALINE that could be your issue. No alcohol, tea tree oil, soap, witch hazel, contact solution, tomato paste (I have HEARD IT ALL!). 
  2. Are you touching/twisting the jewelry? If so, STOP! 
  3. Are you sleeping on the piercing? This is a big no no because it causes pressure on the piercing channel and can cause major angle changes which then can result in rejection. 
  4. What type and/or material jewelry do you have? If you have anything besides internally threaded or threadless IMPLANT GRADE (this is a very important quality) titanium or 14kt gold you need to change that jewelry ASAP. It is the leading factor in piercing irritations. So no externally threaded, no plated, no butterfly backs, and no Spencer's/Hot Topic/Walmart/Amazon jewelry! 
  5. Is your piercing angle off? This can really only be determined by a REPUTABLE piercer in your area. 

Is your jewelry safe for initial piercings? 

Yes! All of my jewelry listed I use for my in person clients as well, and they are all safe for initial piercings. Although, keep in mind that most studios will not allow you to bring in jewelry from outside sources. This is for sanitary and safety reasons! 

Should I twist my jewelry?

There is no need to do so, and twisting can actually cause long term tissue trauma.

Can I wear your jewelry in the shower? 

Yes! It is safe for showering! Submerging piercings during the healing process isn’t recommended. Wait 2-3 months post piercing to submerge in bodies of water. Showering is safe, but no submerging! 

What is the difference between threaded and threadless jewelry? Is one better than the other? 

Threaded and threadless jewelry are the two types of pieces I carry! These are the safest type of gems to use. One is not better than the other but they can both serve different purposes. One thing we do know is that threaded and threadless are MUCH safer than externally threaded jewelry. Let's talk about these individually and the purposes they offer.



  • Has a universal pin to fit all bars
  • Only comes in 18, 16, and 14 gauge bars
  • The end is held in by bending the pin slightly which causes tension against the inside of the bar.
  • The tension can be adjusted to allow the pin to be more easily removed or hard enough to be semi-permanent.
  • When I send out my pins I bend them to have medium tension, although, I can set the tension to whatever you desire.
  • Pins are usually easier to use for jewelry that needs to be removed often.
  • Threadless bars allow for smooth insertion.

Internally Threaded

  • Only specific gauge threads properly fit their specific gauge bars. For example, a 14g ball will only fit a 14g bar.
  • Threaded jewelry can come much larger. Commonly up to 0 gauge.
  • Internally threaded bars allow for smooth insertion.

Externally Threaded

  • External balls are female, and the threads are on the outside of the bar.
  • Insertion with external threads can sometimes be more difficult.
  • Since the threaded is on the post instead of the gem/ball/end, it causes micro tears in the tissue when inserting and removing. 
  • This is NOT SAFE JEWELRY! If you have this type of jewelry installed, you need to change ASAP. 
  • Reputable jewelry companies do not make this style of jewelry, and it is NEVER quality material.

How do I clean my piercing with saline? 

I recommend cleaning your piercing 2x a day with sterile saline. I highly recommend non woven gauze to clean it with but Q tips can suffice. You just need to be careful with the Q tip fibers getting caught on the jewelry. 

Why does jewelry quality matter? 

Jewelry quality matters because low quality jewelry can hold back your piercing, and frankly, your life. Low quality jewelry, like eternally threaded, Spencer's or Hot Topic, packs of jewelry for $15, mall kiosk jewelry, are all usually made with alloys and nickels that will irritate the skin. They can also rust and flake in the piercing channel, and tarnish causing bacteria-harboring holes in the jewelry! Low quality jewelry can also turn your piercing channel green or black. You invested good money into your piercing, don’t ruin it with low quality jewelry! 

You will find your healing times to be quicker and less invasive on your life when you choose quality jewelry to install! ESPECIALLY, if you have sensitive skin.